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The Jeremy Suter Young Cricketer Award

The Jeremy Suter Young Cricketer Award

Kerri McLeish6 Mar - 14:21
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At the AGM last Thursday, Hugh Suter presented this award to the Young Cricketer of 2023, Meg Pressly-Smith

The Jeremy Suter Young Cricketer is awarded annually to a late-teen/early20s cricketer who has contributed significantly to cricket at Beaconsfield CC. The award was presented to Meg for the 2023 season for some stellar performances on the pitch and her contribution to the club off the pitch, for which we are very grateful:

  • Top scorer in the women’s 1st XI in a promotion-winning year – in the league, she scored 348 runs in 7 games, with 2 not out 100s - 148 v Chenies; 100 v Cookham Dean.
  • One of the few women to play in the men’s league teams, so a bit of a groundbreaker
  • Significant contributor to the linkage between the girls’ and women’s sections - established a very welcoming environment when girls attend women’s training and matches; regularly attended girls’ training on Friday evenings to assist with coaching and help become a ‘familiar face’ for the girls when they step up to women’s cricket
  • Gained umpiring qualification

Further reading